Ryan Husain


Dubai, UAE


“This pickup sounds beautiful! I love that it gets a nice tone that comes from the dulcimer itself!”

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I was born in Dubai, UAE in 1982. I started playing guitar at the age of 12. I started off playing popular tunes of the day before discovering classic rock and subsequently, the blues. By the time I finished high school, I got into jazz and studied with some excellent jazz players. I ended up going to University of North Texas School of Jazz, one of the preeminent jazz schools in the country. I subsequently moved to Las Vegas and started rehearsing and performing with other musicians. Then at 28, I was diagnosed with a genetic connective tissue disorder, Ehlets-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), which prevents my body from producing and synthesizing collagen correctly, which causes my joints to dislocate and my tissue, skin and tendons to stretch and tear. I had suffered from it my entire life but it only really started causing unhealed injuries to my body when I reached my late 20’s. The pain and dislocations caused by EDS forced me to put the guitar down. I stopped playing music for a while until I discovered the Appalachian dulcimer. I started out playing a three-stringed diatonic dulcimer, then transitioned to a four-stringed chromatic dulcimer, before finally settling on a six-stringed chromatic dulcimer which I tune like a guitar. Fortunately, I have been able to transfer much of the musical knowledge I learned on guitar over to dulcimer. I currently play strictly jazz on it, and plan on exploring other idioms in the future.